And now, here's a soothing musical interlude......
May 7, 2024

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Episode 137 - Mike Hingson talks Guide Dogs

April 24th was International Guide Dog Day.  Our old pal Mike Hingson talks about his life with guide dogs, and about the special relationship a blind person has with his or her guide dog.

April 24th was International Guide Dog Day.  Our old pal Mike Hingson talks about his life with guide dogs, and about the special relationship a blind person has with his or her guide dog.


There's this bestseller:

And you can pre-order his NEXT bestseller:

You can find out more about guide dog training -- and support it with your donations -- by checking out these websites:




Mike HingsonProfile Photo

Mike Hingson

Mike Hingson attended the University of California, Irvine (UCI) graduating with honors and received a Masters degree in physics; earned a secondary teaching credential from UC Irvine’s School of Teaching and Education. He was also a DJ on the campus radio station, KUCI, where he met John and Don. On KUCI, he hosted a Sunday night program featuring old radio shows.
While attending Palmdale High School where he graduated with a 3.54 grade average, Mike attained the rank of Eagle Scout and was inducted into the Order of the Arrow, where he rose to the highest honor a Boy Scout can receive, known as Vigil.
On September 11, 2001, MIke -- a blind man -- escaped the World Trade Center by walking down 78 flights of stairs with his guide dog, Roselle. Days later, America fell in love with Mike and Roselle and the special bond that helped them both survive one of the country’s darkest days.
Mike enjoys a successful 41-year, sales career, first in high-tech and now is selling attitudes and the adventure of life and the adventure of life and living joyfully to audiences around the world.