And now, here's a soothing musical interlude......
Elizabeth CripeProfile Photo

Elizabeth Cripe

Elizabeth studied Psychology in California, TX. She also completed her Teaching Credential Program in California, TX. She taught Junior High, High School and Continuation High School students for seven years before becoming a Stay at home Mom.
Her family moved to Texas for a better life and new job for Elizabeth’s husband. After their second daughter turned one, they moved into the apartment that set them on their mold journey.
Elizabeth and Derrick for a short time were homeless and had no savings left to spend. They knew after recovering that helping people, in the position they had been in, was their only option. Elizabeth’s life was forever changed with the diagnosis of MCAS, PCOS and Celiac disease due her mold exposure.
Elizabeth is not only a Co-founder of Malachi’s Message, but also serves in the capacity of Executive Director.

Oct. 24, 2023

The Musical Innertube - Volume 2, Number 117 - Olivia Farabaugh and Elizabeth Cripe

Singer/songwriter Olivia Farabaugh talks in depth about how CIRS has affected her life. Elizabeth Cripe tells how mold sickened her family. Together they've organized a festival to raise funds for CIRS sufferers.